Monday, July 28, 2014


Sound Massage
Sound Massage is a time to leave the outside world behind, an invitation to go inside and let yourself be recharged. It is using the ancient knowledge about the effects of sound on the human body, mind and soul. In a Sound Massage session we us some touch and a combination of Tibetan singing bowls according to your individual needs. The primordial sounds and harmonies (overtones) of these bowls interact with every heartbeat and can take you on a deep meditative journey.
 Vibrational Healing
In Nepal and Tibet singing bowls have been in use for meditation and healing purposes already 5000 years ago. When we are “in tune“ with ourselves and our environment we are able to live freely and creatively.
Tibetan singing bowls used for Sound Massage are high-quality bowls. According to the ancient wisdom of Tibetan masters they are made of at least 7 different metals representing the 7 planets known in ancient times.
Body Alignment
The soft sustained sounds of the singing bowls provide a focus that is quieting the chattering mind and aligning the body. Their gentle, purifying vibrations clear negative energies, stimulate the chakras and can bring deep relaxation. Sound waves vibrating the body are massaging every single cell, thus bringing new flow into stagnant places, loosening muscle tensions and energizing organs.
Sound Massage will help to bring relief from pain and problems caused by stress, worries, and anxiety. It can nurture insight and intuition. It supports the development of inner harmony, providing strength for your everyday life. Your creativity and productive energy will receive new impulses.
Effects of Sound Massage can be:
Deep relaxation, since the sounds appeal to a person’s original trust
Gentle massage and harmonization of each individual cell in the body
 Relief of tensions and blockages in the body
The experiences of your body being pleasantly light and
vibrating freely
 Reinforcement of self-healing
Letting go of old patterns – a new order can evolve

 Positive influence on self-confidence, creativity and productive energy, renewed enthusiasm, zest for life

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Higher Dimensional Beingness

Higher dimensional beingness
Exciting no time space continuum interdimentional journey into 5th dimensional awareness starts here
I’ll now ask you to uncross your legs and arms. Sit back with your back as strait as you can possibly reach. I’ll invite you to gently close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths.  Breath in through your nose, and breath out through your mouth open. One more.  And again. Now allow your body to take charge of your breathing, and lets move into your brain. Now, lets imagine, that your greatest life, however you imagine it, already here! You don’t have to get there, work for it, dream about it. You are already living it!.... How do you look?... What kind of people surround you?... Where do you dine? What kind of food they serve there? How do you feel inside? What schools your kids attend? Remember, its your greatest life ever, and you are living it! There are no limitations. It is your reality now! Let your imagination go totally wild! Now, look at your greatest partner. How does he or she look. AND DON’T WORRY THEY WILL NOT KNOW. ITS ALL INSIDE OF YOU UNLESS THEY CAN READ YOUR MIND. How do they talk to you? How you spend your time together? How you communicate and understand each other? What about your ideal relationship with your kids? Always keep in mined its you greatest life, and you in it! Where you go for vacation? How you entertain your time in your greatest life? Do you do what need to be done for money, or you do what you love and enjoy the most and it builds your financial freedom? What about you love life? How does it look in your greatest  life? Now…………. Take all that we imagined in our heads, and lets drop it into our hearts.
Let us see now how our soul knows it to be! Because all our brain knows, is what it already seen, experienced, or heard of! Soul knows our past, and our futures, yet allows us to make our own choices in the now moment! There are no limitations for the soul! There are no fears! There’s only love and abundance, happiness, and growth!.... Perhaps you come here to do a lot more, then your mind can even comprehend, to be more then you think you can be?
Stay in this place for a little longer! Try to feel it, not think it! Ill come get you when you are done!
Start coming back slowly now. Take some breaths, move around, feel the chair you are sitting on. Slowly open your eyes. WELLCOME BACK TO 3D!

My name is Irina! I am a reiki master and teacher, and personal coach on spiritual development! I am also a facilitator of 5th dimensional reality. Its just a different level of awareness. Where we know that reality is just a holographic projection of our minds, and we create our reality with our own thoughts, and only by changing the creation inside of our minds we can create a different projection, and live our creation! How do we know it? We live it already! Every fear we ever created, we are living now! Every challenge, and every obstacles, we knew existed, we gone throw! I once made a choice to create only what I really want to experience! That was the beginning of my journey! Its just a choice away! You too can do it! PLEASE VISIT MY SITE