Sunday, August 10, 2014

Moving to the next level

    What else is possible here?
  My wonderful and curious readers! Today's topic is also about You, and I can never stress it enough! YOU are always the center and the cause of everything that happens in YOUR LIFE. Yes! Everything! All the good things and all the bad things!
  If you are not fully aware of your mind, then what you are busy looking at is what the mind creates in order to keep itself fascinated by itself. Left unattended consciously the best that our mind can create is what it already knows, experience and what stores in our unconscious data base mind.
 That's why we often find ourselves in the same situations over and over again, and blame other people for being just like the ones before them, and doing the same bad things to us.
  How do we then break the circle and start living consciously and making decisions and choosing people that are right for us?
  How do we make conscious decisions?
  Just like in any other subjects to change the way things are you have to be aware of what they are first.
  Here are some examples of the questions to ask yourself:
     1. If I do this ______?
     2. If I think this ______?
     3. If I make this ______?
     4. Would it be for my highest and best good?
     5. My happy end result is _______!
     6. If I buy this ____ will it make me money?
     7. If I move to this new house does it expand me?
     8. Will it improve my life?
     9. If I add some more self-care to my life will it get better?
    10. Am I doing _____?
    11. Am I willing _____?
    12. What else is possible here?
    13. What would it take to get _______?
    14. What would it take for ______ to show up in my life, easy, with grace, and joy?
    15. What question should I ask to be connected to be Higher-Self?

                "The definition of insanity- is doing the same thing over and over   again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

Saturday, August 9, 2014

MRI of my Energy System? Is it possible?

About Auras
An aura is a subtle field of electromagnetic energy that emanates from all human beings. In Eastern religious traditions, it is thought to emerge directly from the chakras, and is expressed as a multi-colored body of light that surrounds a person.
The colors exhibited in an aura have specific meanings and reveal information about one’s true inner state. Though they are reflective of a person’s core nature, auras often change and fluctuate based on a variety of factors, including external pressures, stress levels, physical fitness, emotional health, and more.
The more acquainted you become with your aura, the more in touch you can become with your core self — and in so doing, make choices and improvements that will help you live with greater satisfaction, harmony, and purpose.
History of Aura Imaging
Aura images have been around for centuries.
The idea that light and energy are fundamental components of life is a prominent concept in both Eastern and Western religious philosophies. In the West, perhaps you’ve seen “aura images” depicted as halos in paintings of saints or Deity. In Eastern religions, there are numerous depictions of the “chi,” or “prana,” surrounding individuals who seek enlightenment.
Historically, aura images have only been visible to specialists — individuals with a special gift or capacity to “see” the energy field surrounding human beings. But in the late 1930s, a profound development occurred to provide everyday people access to beautiful images of their own auras.
Kirlian Photography

Kirlian photography is the discovery of of Semyon Kirlian, a Russian inventor and researcher. 1939, he discovered that he could photograph the presence of an electrical field surrounding living things by sending an electric current through an object and capturing the aura image on a photographic plate. In one of his earliest experiments, he took an aura photo of two identical leaves — but one of the images was strong and luminescent, while the other was weak and hard to see. The strong image came from a leaf taken from a healthy plant, while the weak image was from a diseased plant.
Over the years, researchers and supporters have used Kirlian photography to determine the internal state of individuals by noting changes in the way the aura images appear on the photographic plates.
Biofeedback Aura Imaging and Aura Photography

These days, the most advanced type of aura imaging technology on the market is called biofeedback aura imaging. As opposed to Kirlian photography, which sends an electrical charge directly into the subject in order to produce an aura image on a photographic plate, biofeedback aura imaging uses sophisticated technology to read your electronic signature and then interprets the data as color.
In fact, many biofeedback aura imaging systems now provide complete interactive experiences, where you can learn in-depth about various aspects of your personality, lifestyle, and inner self — including comprehensive reports, various screens and views, and more.
We use The Aura-Chakra Imaging System to diagnose any blockages, weak spots, or over activities in your energy system. 


You will get a 22-page total report of your energy system! After the diagnoses you will be able to choose from variety of services to start opening and aligning your Chakras.

All services are performed by Highly Intuitive ,Professional, and Licensed Therapists, Coaches, and Masters!